Derald Scoular

First Nations artist Derald Scoular was born in Garden Bay, B.C. in 1960 to Donald and Brenda Scoular. His native heritage is of the Salish Frist Nations, stemming from grandmothers on both sides, Rous/Page, and can be traced back to the Lilloet and Sechelt Indian Bands. Derald grew up in Pender Harbour, B.C. 

Derald Scoular began carving in 1980 under Cree carver Gene Brabant and his uncle, Cree/Coast Salish carver Randy Stiglitz. Well-known for his masks and totem poles, Derald's pieces can be found throughout Canada, USA, and Europe. He often carves on a large scale, and many of his masks are articulated.

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