Tom Hunt Jr.

Tom Hunt Jr. is a member of the Kwakwaka'wakw Nation and born in Victoria, BC. His apprenticeship began with his father Chief George Hunt at the age of twelve and later on Tom worked with his brother George Hunt Jr. and maternal grandfather Sam Henderson, from who he learned the traditional forms of the Nakwaxda'xw Nation (Blunden Harbour). Throughout his life, Tom has assisted with his uncle Calvin Hunt, where he helped operate the Copper Maker Gallery. Tom Hunt Jr strengths are like cedar thread woven through his creations. His knowledge of Kwakiutl history is illustrated in Tom's artwork.

Tom's recurrent theme has been potlatches, due to the fact it is deep-rooted in his family history. In keeping with his tradition, Tom talent is given particularly full expression in the carving of totem poles and in versatile other media.

Tom Hunt Jr, also co-worked with other accomplished artists and master carvers like Susan Point as well as John Livingston. He has not only enjoyed working with master carvers but has also taught multiple younger upcoming artists, to teach them his knowledge on the art of Kwakwaka'wakw Nation.

1 items

Komokwa Mask
Tom Hunt Jr. (Kwakwaka'wakw)

Komokwa is of major importance in Kwakwaka’wakw oral tradition. He is King of the Undersea World,...

Komokwa is of major importance in Kwakwaka’wakw oral tradition. He is King of the Undersea World, and master and protector of the Seals, who were a symbol of wealth. His name means "Rich One." Komokwa rules from a great house under the water. His house contains immense wealth in blankets, coppers, and other treasures. Many human supplicants of legendary history tried to reach this kingdom and those ancestral heroes who achieved their goal became wealthy and powerful, returning to their home v...
