Corey Bulpitt

Corey Bulpitt is a Haida artist, and is part of the Naikun Raven clan. Corey is related to many great Haida artists and carvers, including his great, great grandfathers Louis Collison and Charles Edenshaw. His mother Maxine Edgars from Masset is an exceptional weaver and his father Monte Stewart Burton is a fisherman and carver of gold and silver.

Sculpting and drawing from a young age while growing up in the Vancouver area, Bulpit graduated from the Langley Fine Arts School in 1996. Returning to Haida Gwaii in 1999, Bulpit apprenticed with his uncle, master carver Christian White, for three years. During this period he began to create masks, paddles, and dance screens for the Massett and Skidegate Dance groups. Bulpit has also worked with notable Haida carver Jim Hart and artist Sharon Hitchcock.

Bulpitt has collaborated with several different artists including Joe David, Dwayne Simeon, Beau Dick and Dempsey Bob to make monumental work. He's also worked on his own solo projects. These include a large spray-paint Mural under the Granville Street Bridge near Granville Island in 2008, a 20' cedar pole for Scouts Canada and a 17' story pole at the Queen Charlotte Lodge in Haida Gwaii. Bulpitt also carved a 14' mortuary-style pole that stands in the Namgis burial ground in Alert Bay. His work is featured in the hugely popular and innovative travelling exhibition "Beat Nation: Art, Hip Hop and Aboriginal Culture" curated by the Vancouver Art Gallery and is a member of the newly emerged Beat Nation Live arts collective. Bulpitt worked in a variety of formats and mediums and has produced illustrations, murals, jewelry, prints and wood carvings.

2 items

Hummingbird Panel
Corey Bulpitt (Haida)

Indigenous artwork on the Pacific Northwest Coast often incorporates figures and animals that are...

Indigenous artwork on the Pacific Northwest Coast often incorporates figures and animals that are related to crest symbols. Crests have been passed down through families and have varying meanings depending on the context and association with a nation, clan, or family. The figures depicted in contemporary Northwest Coast Indigenous artwork also have varying meanings but there are some common characteristics from a range of sources, including oral histories and artist descriptions.Hummingbird i...


Preoccupied Space
Corey Bulpitt (Haida)


