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Ka Ka Win Chealth II
Joe David (Nuu-chah-nulth)
1981 Edition /125 This print is only available framed. Please contact the gallery directly.
1981 Edition /125 This print is only available framed. Please contact the gallery directly.
Of This Land
Susan Point (Salish)
1997 Edition 150/197 This print is only available framed. Please contact the gallery directly.
1997 Edition 150/197 This print is only available framed. Please contact the gallery directly.
Art Thompson (Nuu-chah-nulth )
Edition 3/100 This print is only available framed as-is. Please contact the gallery directly to p...
Edition 3/100 This print is only available framed as-is. Please contact the gallery directly to purchase. Indigenous artwork on the Pacific Northwest Coast often incorporates figures and animals that are related to crest symbols. Crests have been passed down through families and have varying meanings depending on the context and association with a nation, clan, or family. The figures depicted in contemporary Northwest Coast Indigenous artwork also have varying meanings but there are some comm...
Art Thompson (Nuu-chah-nulth)
Edition 50/100 This print is only available framed. Please contact the gallery directly. Indigeno...
Edition 50/100 This print is only available framed. Please contact the gallery directly. Indigenous artwork on the Pacific Northwest Coast often incorporates figures and animals that are related to crest symbols. Crests have been passed down through families and have varying meanings depending on the context and association with a nation, clan, or family. The figures depicted in contemporary Northwest Coast Indigenous artwork also have varying meanings but there are some common characteristic...
Where the Ocean Meets the Sky
Kelly Cannell (Salish)
Edition /25 Available Framed for $2,500 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly.
Edition /25 Available Framed for $2,500 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly.
“Ḵ’aay.yas Gan Unsid” (Elders’ Knowledge)
Cori Savard (Haida)
Edition /150 Available Framed for $800 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. “Where does ou...
Edition /150 Available Framed for $800 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. “Where does our knowledge come from? To whom are we accountable for its survival? As we continue the work of reclaiming our culture, we honour the Ancestors’ teachings. We honour the Elders who carry this knowledge forward for us. We honour the children who will one day take up this work. From time immemorial we have accepted this responsibility. Our potential is illimitable when we listen to, and learn from on...
Three Finned #2
Reg Davidson (Haida )
Edition /94 Available framed for $950 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. Indigenous artwor...
Edition /94 Available framed for $950 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. Indigenous artwork on the Pacific Northwest Coast often incorporates figures and animals that are related to crest symbols. Crests have been passed down through families and have varying meanings depending on the context and association with a nation, clan, or family. The figures depicted in contemporary Northwest Coast Indigenous artwork also have varying meanings but there are some common characteristics from a ...
Three Finned #1
Reg Davidson (Haida)
Edition /94 Available framed for $950 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. Indigenous artwor...
Edition /94 Available framed for $950 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. Indigenous artwork on the Pacific Northwest Coast often incorporates figures and animals that are related to crest symbols. Crests have been passed down through families and have varying meanings depending on the context and association with a nation, clan, or family. The figures depicted in contemporary Northwest Coast Indigenous artwork also have varying meanings but there are some common characteristics from a ...
Three Finned #3
Reg Davidson (Haida)
Edition /94 Available framed for $950 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. Indigenous artwor...
Edition /94 Available framed for $950 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. Indigenous artwork on the Pacific Northwest Coast often incorporates figures and animals that are related to crest symbols. Crests have been passed down through families and have varying meanings depending on the context and association with a nation, clan, or family. The figures depicted in contemporary Northwest Coast Indigenous artwork also have varying meanings but there are some common characteristics from a ...
Nuu Beginnings
Ernest Swanson (Haida)
2024 Edition /150 Available framed for $900 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. The being w...
2024 Edition /150 Available framed for $900 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. The being within the Nuu symbolizes humanity revealing its inner light. When the creator first bestowed this divine spark upon us, it was hidden deep within, knowing we would seek fulfillment in countless external places rather than recognizing the treasure inside ourselves. This profound gift was placed within us to help us understand that true enlightenment comes from looking inward. The octopus, embodying...
Kwakiutl Sisiutl - Crest of Tlah-yus-oh-s'las
Artist Unknown (Kwakwaka'wakw)
Edition 15/105 This print is only available framed. If you would like this piece crated for shipp...
Edition 15/105 This print is only available framed. If you would like this piece crated for shipping, please contact the gallery directly.
Neekhl Neekhl
Robert Davis (Nisga’a)
Edition /80 Available framed for $400 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. “n̓eekhl, n̓eekhl...
Edition /80 Available framed for $400 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. “n̓eekhl, n̓eekhl” A modern being existing in two worlds she sits with grace and power, ready to pounce on injustice and insufficient care to confused indigenous babies, holds them up and walks with them until they can fend for themselves, she walks with a brown owl faithfully and proudly. ~
Salmon People
Alano Edzerza (Tahltan)
Edition /200 This print is only available framed. Please contact the gallery directly. Indigenous...
Edition /200 This print is only available framed. Please contact the gallery directly. Indigenous artwork on the Pacific Northwest Coast often incorporates figures and animals that are related to crest symbols. Crests have been passed down through families and have varying meanings depending on the context and association with a nation, clan, or family. The figures depicted in contemporary Northwest Coast Indigenous artwork also have varying meanings but there are some common characteristics ...
Sgaarang Xyaalang Sdang (Two Dancing)
Robert Davidson (Haida)
Edition /51 Available Framed for $2,000 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly.
Edition /51 Available Framed for $2,000 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly.
Hamatsa Dance Screen
Richard Hunt (Kwakwaka'wakw)
1977 Edition /75 Available Framed for $900 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly.
1977 Edition /75 Available Framed for $900 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly.
Robert Davidson (Haida)
1977 Edition /75 This print is only available framed. Please contact the gallery directly. Indige...
1977 Edition /75 This print is only available framed. Please contact the gallery directly. Indigenous artwork on the Pacific Northwest Coast often incorporates figures and animals that are related to crest symbols. Crests have been passed down through families and have varying meanings depending on the context and association with a nation, clan, or family. The figures depicted in contemporary Northwest Coast Indigenous artwork also have varying meanings but there are some common characterist...
Whorl of Transformation
Margaret August (Salish)
Edition /100 Available Framed for $625 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. "This design dep...
Edition /100 Available Framed for $625 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. "This design depicts salmons, with an asymmetrical moon face, inspired by a spindle whorl artifact. Margaret says that salmon, like all animal medicine have a spiritual meaning and some of the main themes you can find with salmon medicine is abundance, fertility, prosperity and renewal. Traditionally, Coast Salish spindle whorls are used by women, and their ability to produce beautiful textiles which had social a...
Papa Bear
Maynard Johnny Jr. (Salish)
Edition /100 Available framed for $1,500 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. Indigenous art...
Edition /100 Available framed for $1,500 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. Indigenous artwork on the Pacific Northwest Coast often incorporates figures and animals that are related to crest symbols. Crests have been passed down through families and have varying meanings depending on the context and association with a nation, clan, or family. The figures depicted in contemporary Northwest Coast Indigenous artwork also have varying meanings but there are some common characteristics from...
State of Emergence
Cori Savard (Haida)
Edition /100 Available framed for $1,150 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. "Butterfly is ...
Edition /100 Available framed for $1,150 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. "Butterfly is known as Raven's companion. Travelling with Raven and aiding them in many of their adventures. Before becoming the voice of reason for Raven, Butterfly experiences a state of transformation. From which they emerge as a better version of themselves. Personal growth is a journey we all embark on. It is a constant state of transformation. As we become better versions of ourselves, we inevitably encou...
The Gift
Robert Davidson (Haida)
1998Edition /125This print is only available framed. Please contact the gallery directly. The Gif...
1998Edition /125This print is only available framed. Please contact the gallery directly. The Gift serigraph was released in honour of, and to assist in raising funds for, a 1998 White Rock commission that was completed with Salish artist, Susan Point. The White Rock detachment of the RCMP approached Davidson about a possible totem pole commission to commemorate their 125th anniversary, as well as to recognize the strained history between the First Nations and the RCMP. Davidson suggested Sal...
Symphony of The Sea
Kelly Cannell (Salish)
Edition /68 Available framed for $1,390 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. Indigenous art...
Edition /68 Available framed for $1,390 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. Indigenous artwork on the Pacific Northwest Coast often incorporates figures and animals that are related to crest symbols. Crests have been passed down through families and have varying meanings depending on the context and association with a nation, clan, or family. The figures depicted in contemporary Northwest Coast Indigenous artwork also have varying meanings but there are some common characteristics from...
g̱a̱lts'ap (Village/Community)
Phil Gray (Tsimshian)
Edition /75 This print is available framed for $1,700 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. g...
Edition /75 This print is available framed for $1,700 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. g̱a̱lts'ap g̱a̱l = container forts'ap = people/tribe The main figure is of a mother wolf with a cub at her feet and another still in her womb. I liked the idea of wolves for this concept because of their tight community-based society. In my experience, women have always been the ones to step up and ensure that our community could be a safe place. They also lead the way by ensuring that we have a fu...
Elemental Wolf
Maynard Johnny Jr. (Salish)
Edition /100 Available framed for $1,400 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. Wolf is a prin...
Edition /100 Available framed for $1,400 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. Wolf is a principal crest among many Northwest Coast cultures and in many regions is a figure related to hunting and fishing. Among the Tlingit, Wolf is one of the two main clans, the other being Eagle. To Tsimshian groups, Wolf is one of four main clans. Wolf is often connected to Killer Whale, with both animals exhibiting similar hunting and familial patterns. Some oral traditions describe Wolf’s ability to t...
Eagle Feast Bowl Print
Nusmata (Jarrod Saunders) (Nuxalk)
Edition /100 Available Framed for $550 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. Indigenous artwo...
Edition /100 Available Framed for $550 CAD. Please contact the gallery directly. Indigenous artwork on the Pacific Northwest Coast often incorporates figures and animals that are related to crest symbols. Crests have been passed down through families and have varying meanings depending on the context and association with a nation, clan, or family. The figures depicted in contemporary Northwest Coast Indigenous artwork also have varying meanings but there are some common characteristics from a...